Both in person and digital events include thought-provoking content, audience engagement techniques, and candid insights for conference attendees.

“My goal is to leave attendees feeling challenged, inspired, and energized to make a positive impact in our industry.”

Book a Speaking Engagement.


Signature Talks

High Energy Stage Presentation to Engage & Inspire Your Audience

  • Dynamic, interactive stage presentation

  • Audience engagement techniques (for virtual events too!)

  • Audience invitation to continue the discussion at my office hours

Signature talks DO NOT include:

  • Same-old, same-old nap inducing presentation

  • Boring slides full of tiny text

Pricing starts at $5,000 for virtual, $15,000 for in person events and includes:

  • One 45 minute prep call (+ one 15 min tech check for virtual events)

  • Pre-event promotion & live social media at your event

  • Attendance at networking receptions at your event

Fireside Chats

Strong Opinions Delivered with Candor with Kindness

Common Topics Include

  • Speaking Out: Pushing Back against a Culture of Secrecy

  • The Do Better Series: Top take-aways, allyship suggestions, the experience of publishing the stories

  • Whiteness & Finance: Why we need to talk about race

  • Network Building for Inclusion: Why & how

Pricing starts at $3,500 for virtual, $7,500 for in person events and includes:

  • One 30 minute prep call (+ one 15 min tech check for virtual events)

  • Pre-event promotion & live social media at your event

  • Attendance at networking receptions at your event

Signature Talk Topics

Who are you listening to?
Say the right thing. Be a better ally.

Speaking and media workshops also available for select events. See sample video.