I don't know what to say. But I'll try.
This blog post is adapted from my 3/19/20 email to Connected Investing readers. I’ve received so much feedback about how helpful this was to read, that I’m posting it here to share further.
What do you write in the midst of a global pandemic and a market meltdown? There is no handbook for this, no online tutorial. Should you keep your regular content going? Should you keep up the same pace and regularity of communications? I don't know that there is one "right" answer to any of these questions, but I'll tell you what I'm thinking about my work, which is changing, and my own newsletter right now.
I have two wonderful little kids, who are home from school indefinitely. Our family is currently on day 9 of all staying at home, and now legally required to do so due to San Francisco's "shelter in place" order (and as of last night California’s similar order). For the last week, my husband and I have been dividing up the childcare while we both work. Looking forward, I am able to scale back my work, while he is not. I'll be dialing down the number of hours I work so I can be primary caretaker for the kiddos most days. Wish me luck! Today I learned to code JavaScript along with my 9 year old! I know that we are in an incredibly fortunate position to be able to make this choice.
I'll continue to gratefully serve my current clients; I enjoy them so much and love helping them through both good times and bad.
For prospects- I'm happy to chat and will only say yes to work I have the capacity to manage. If I can't manage it, I'll keep a waiting list.
Writing and The Connected Investing Newsletter
I love to write and will continue to write when I can. I don't yet know if I'll be able to send a newsletter every week. What I know is that I'll send it to you when I have something worthwhile to write or share.
Conferences are cancelled for the next few months. If the virus clears up in time, I hope to be speaking and see lots of you all in person in the fall.
My link roundup this week is a little different. There are a couple of interesting corporate-social-responsibility-in-a-pandemic articles, and a financial resource guide that you can share with anyone that might benefit from it. Below that, since so many of you told me you enjoyed the fun link I shared in my PS last week, I'm including a roundup of short videos to bring some joy to you. Because while yes, things are bleak, it is OK and necessary to experience moments of joy. If something has brought you joy this week, send it my way!
P.S. Want to see a friendly face? Drop by my office hours on Tuesday- you might even see my kids too!